In order to neutralize the odor of skunk spray, the chemicals in the secretion must be changed to a different type of molecule that does not produce an odor. Oxidizing the thiols forms odorless sulfonic acid. Hydrogen peroxide and chlorine bleach can be used as the oxidizers for some surfaces. There is no single remedy for skunk odor. Depending on the surfaces affected, it may require a variety of methods and several steps to remove the odor completely.
Skunk odors will be among the most difficult the restorer will be called on to eliminate. Multiple methods of attacking the malodor will be required along with plenty of ventilation. You should also expect some psychological odors to linger. You client's perception of you as the expert who possesses the knowledge, skills and equipment to rid them of this odor will go a long way toward eliminating the psychological factor.
The best thing to do is find your local restoration company such as Carpet Technologies cleaning and restoration services. you can trust a professional to do it right.
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